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Les 4 à 7 de la recherche en psychologie

18 février 2015, 16 h 00 à 19 h 00

Conférence d’Erin T. Banker, Ph. D., intitulée «Improving Understanding of Depression in University Students: The Student Mood Project».

Résumé de la conférence

Increased participation in post-secondary education has contributed to prolonged transitions to adulthood marked by semi-independence, increased freedom, opportunity, and exploration for recent generations of Canadian youth. The good news is that, on average, emotional well-being tends to improve across this transition. However, prevalence rates for affective disorders (depression, anxiety) also peak between the ages of 15 and 24 and many university students screen above clinical cut-off scores for major depression. In her talk, Dr. Barker will discuss the rationale for and preliminary findings from her “Student Mood Project.” Over the past two years, she has been collecting survey, friend report, and clinical interview data on emotional experiences and self-regulation with the aim of identifying factors associated with elevated depressive symptoms in university students.

*Les conférences sont suivies d’un 5 à 7 et d’un repas avec les conférenciers.
Pour plus de renseignements veuillez contacter : Maryse Béliveau ou Isabelle Blanchette.


18 février 2015
Heure :
16 h 00 à 19 h 00
Catégories d’évènement:


Isabelle Blanchette et Maryse Béliveau
E-mail :


2063, pavillon Michel-Sarrazin
3351, boulevard des Forges
Trois-Rivières, Québec Canada
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